
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Constructive Bingeing

Its been a little while since I’ve posted anything, but you’ll be pleased to know that my excuse is that I’ve been on a sewing binge.  One project turning into another!

My creative enthusiasm had me venturing out to one of the local town thrift shops – this is one of my favourite things to do!  I love rummaging through the racks and bins leaving nothing unturned in search of little treasures –once loved, no longer needed.   Assorted fabrics cuts, linens, laces, button and so many other gems just waiting to be reinvented.

There is nothing better than the feeling of making alot out of a little......

I find that when you purchase alot of different fabric in one go and pile them up a mind can spin! – but....I have to say that it doesn’t take long to start putting them together.

My latest mind spin left me standing in the middle of my sewing room staring.....and my eyes locked on my machine.....”ha, a machine cover”...that was it, I was already running through which of my bargain fabrics I was going to make it out of.

So, for this cover I went with the denim, a nice chocolate seersucker from the thrift shop and pieced one of my floral fats through it to give it some pizzaz!  The seersucker was a great find – an old doona cover I cut into two large peices.

Once I had my colours sorted I measured up the dimension of my machine and set to work – over the top,  width and  depth.  And started cutting!  I made sure I left enough room for a machine upgrade....which I’m talking myself into!

My next project was a trip to the local sewing warehouse to find some nice fabric and trimmings for my new sewing apron.   When I got past the point of leaving the house covered in cotton and picking leftovers of myself I figured it was time!!!   I chose a pattern by McCalls that was fairly easy and fashionable.  It took me more time to decide on what fabric I wanted to use.....but eventually, I settled....and i’m quite proud of this little number!

Moving this endeavour was simply unexpected!  My mother stumbled across some of my daughters old clothes she grew out of long ago...bound for the bin!  However, on closer inspection there was some recycling to be done.  With the cost of kids clothing these days its hard to just throw them out.

So, I cut them up instead...motives and all and turned this one into a cute lil French inspired headband.


This headband turned out so cute and my daughter absolutely loves them, so I decided to make her a couple more.  After mixing and matching....I put another two together.  They are incredibly quick and easy to make!


Whats next....who knows, stick around and find out!

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